
Valentine's Day Plant Ideas

It’s that time of year, friends. Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and most of us are racking our brains to try and come up with something better to give our loved one than the box of chocolate and roses we gave last year. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, we’re just trying to be a little more original this year! So we came across an amazing idea that we think you’re going to love, and your significant other will definitely enjoy getting. DIY gifts are always a hit, and when paired with one of our Valentine’s plant suggestions, are sure to be a memorable gift this loving season!

Paper Sack Plants

You don’t have to let your loved one know this, but this DYI Valentine’s gift will cost you next to nothing! All you need to do is pick out the plant that you want to give, and gather up the following materials:

  • Paper lunch bags
  • Spray paint
  • Paint pen or marker
  • Creativity

Now using your own unique artistic ability, get creative.

  1. Spray paint the outside of your bags. You can create any look you want, combine colors, and make gradients, whatever your level of creativity allows. If you put small rocks in the bottom of your bag, it will stand up straight, making it easier to paint.
  2. Let the bags dry, and then flatten them out to make it easier to write out your message. Then use your paint pen or marker and scribble out those loving words! Keep your message towards the bottom, as you’ll be rolling the top of the bag down once finished. Use your inner poet when writing out your message, “let’s grow together”, “you’re growing on me”, “love is nurturing the soil of our relationship”, you get the idea!
  3. Once everything is dry, roll the top down a few times, and place your plant in. Easy-peasy, hugs and squeezy!

Stop into Jolly Lane to learn more about houseplant care, and which plants will work best for you!


Which Plants to Choose

Any plant that is easy to care for would be ideal, but there are a few plants available that are considered to be more romantic, or at least enjoy being received more than others.


These beauties are an elegant choice, and have become one of the most appreciated gift plants. Super low-maintenance, gorgeous colors, and long lasting flowers allow these gifts to be enjoyed long past Valentine’s Day.



Succulents are wildly popular for home or the office, and require hardly any care at all. Give them some bright light, water them every couple weeks, and they’ll last for a long time. Choosing succulents gives you a wide variety of colors and combinations to put together, and your loved one will appreciate the low maintenance.



Also known as the flamingo plant, this beautiful choice literally displays love, as the leaves and flowers tend to be heart shaped! When cared for, they can last for years. Anthuriums like bright light and humidity, and need water when the top inch of soil has dried. Fertilizing a couple times a year will keep them blooming beautifully!


Jolly Lane carries the area’s largest variety of houseplants, in plenty of sizes, colors, and styles!

These are just a few of the beautiful plants you can choose from, as there are several others that would make great Valentine’s gifts. Whichever you choose, you can be happy knowing that you broke out of the boring box, and are giving your loved one something much more thoughtful and unique this Valentine’s Day. Keep these fun DIY paper sack plants in mind in the future as well; they would make great gifts for teachers, co-workers, bridal parties, etc. If you’re not the crafty sort, don’t worry – we have Valentine-themed pots, pre-planted and ready to go to your sweetheart!

Jolly Lane wants you to win the day this February 14th, so come out and take a look at our fantastic variety of indoor plants, and let’s help you put a smile on the face of those you love!


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2962 Jolly Lane
Rapid City, SD 57703