
To Repot or Not to Repot, That is the Question: Tips For Repotting Your Plants

With spring sunshine on the way, we’re officially entering the best time of year to consider repotting your plants. As resident repotting experts, we’re here to share our pro tips to help you decide whether or not you should consider repotting your plants this spring, as well as walk you through the easiest way to repot!

First thing’s first: Should you consider repotting your plants this spring?

Home to nearly all plant varieties you can imagine, the Green Thumb Pros here at Jolly Lane Greenhouse are often asked how, when, and if our customers should consider repotting their plants. Here are some key factors you should look for when trying to decide whether or not it’s time to repot.

  • Is your plant overgrown from its current container?
  • Is your plant failing to grow larger in its current pot?
  • Can you see roots creeping out of the drainage hole of your pot?
  • Is your plant drying out faster than normal?
  • Can you see soil shrinking in your pot?

If you answered yes to any of the above factors, repotting may be the perfect solution to help your plant(s) thrive. As a base, we suggest repotting your plants every year to year-and-a-half for the sake of improving your plant’s health, growth, and well-being, regardless of whether or not your plant is experiencing any stunted growth.

Does repotting mean that you have to place your plant in a new pot?

No! Repotting your plants can be as simple as replacing your plant’s current potting mix, but can also include upgrading to a larger planter if your plant is outgrowing its current container.

How do you decide which size planter you should upgrade to before repotting?

There really is no simple answer to this question as no specific planter size for repotting is greater than others. If we can offer any advice, it’s that you should strive to find planters that are slightly larger than the current planter your plant is in. Do NOT repot your plant in a planter that is much larger than your current planter. Think of upgrading your planter the same way you would upgrade your kid’s car seat. You wouldn’t jump from a backwards-facing car seat to a booster seat without other car seat phases in-between. Feel free to measure your current planters and look for planters that are a few inches larger in diameter. Fellow green thumb experts suggest increasing planter sizes by 2 inches in diameter for smaller plants and no more than 4 inches for floor plants.

In addition to searching for the right planter size, it is vital that you also ensure that the planter you choose has good drainage to prevent overwatering

Is repotting your plants simple?

Repotting your plants is extremely simple so long as you have all of the right gardening materials at hand. Before repotting, make sure you have immediate access to:

  • Potting Mix
  • Larger planting containers (if needed)


How to Repot a Plant: Our Easy-to-follow guide for Repotting Plants

For Simple Potting Mix Repotting

  • Gently remove your plant from its current planter, leaving one third of the current soil in the pot
  • Untangle any bunched-up roots, so as to ensure water can reach all roots once repotted (You can trim the roots as needed, but not too much)
  • Pack down a small layer of new potting mix above the remaining soil
  • Place your plant back in the planter, and surround with new potting mix
  • Moisten soil

For Repotting Your Plant in a New Planter

  • Same steps as above, but in a new planter (You can transfer some of the old soil into the new planter, but not too much)

For More Information on Repotting

Jolly Lane Greenhouse in Rapid City, South Dakota has been providing our customers with expert advice on repotting for over 50 years. Give us a call at 605-393-1700 or come see us at 2962 Jolly Lane, Rapid City, SD 57703 to get more advice on repotting your plants. Alongside our expert repotting knowledge, we’re also fully stocked-up on planters, potting mix, and more, making your repotting adventure even easier.


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Jolly Lane Greenhouse
2962 Jolly Lane
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