
Planting Your Fall Foliage

Summer 2020 has said goodbye, and it seems like we hardly got to know each other. We could dwell on the fact that we went from 101 degrees, to waking up to snow on the ground in the span of 48 hours, but that might take away from the fact that FALL IS HERE! And we think that, is a wonderful thing.

We hope you had a great gardening season, if you’re wondering what to do with your idle hands as the season changes, we have a suggestion. Plant things!

Jolly Lane’s fall landscaping sale is going on now. Take 25% off shrubs, trees, and evergreens!

Planting Shrubs, Trees, and Evergreens

Fall is an ideal time to plant new shrubs, trees and evergreens. You’re winding down from the laborious spring planting and summer upkeep of your gardens and lawns, and the cooler weather provides a nice reprieve from the heat involved in all that summer landscaping. It’s also a great time to plant trees, as the warm soil and cool air stimulate the growth of roots, and allow them to get established before the winter freeze.

Come see us at Jolly Lane and let us help you decide which might be best for your yard, and follow a few simple guidelines to get you set up for success!

Picking out your trees and shrubs

When cared for properly, healthy trees and shrubs will last a lifetime. Well, at least OUR lifetime. So, it’s wise to think about the future of your landscape when choosing which to plant. Maybe you want fruit in the summer, and beautiful fall colors in October. How will they blend with the rest of your landscape, do they fit a particular style, color, or scheme, how much upkeep will they require. These are things to consider before going all in and putting them into the ground. Fortunately, we’re here to help along the way!

Give them the room they need to grow

Give the trees and shrubs plenty of room to grow, making sure you research the plant's full-grown size. Refer to the information that comes with the tree or ask your garden center (that’s us!)  for recommendations. Use a tape measure to gauge how your new trees and shrubs will fit into your existing landscaping. You don't want to plant a tree too close to your home or neighbor's property, which may cause damage to the buildings and tree roots.

Grab your shovel and get digging

Create a hole that's twice as wide as your container and deep enough that the root ball's soil line sits slightly above ground level. And enjoy the burn in your arms, it’s good for you!


Give them the nourishment they deserve

Your new trees and shrubs should be planted in a 50/50 mix of native soil, and nutrient rich garden soil. Make sure the soil line of the root ball is slightly higher than the ground level. If you have a balled-and-burlapped tree, remove all of the twine and as much of the burlap and wire cage as you can. It is especially important to clear off the top half of the rootball, to give roots room to grow. Then, start filling the hole with your soil mixture. When the hole is half-full, water the tree, then fill in the remaining soil. Finally, pull some soil away from the tree trunk to create a donut-shaped ring of soil that will act as a basin to hold water and funnel it to the tree roots, and water moderately again.

While enjoying 25% off your fall shrub and tree shopping, be sure to ask about our nutrient rich soil!

Use mulch to pack in the moisture

Mulch can help maintain a good moisture level in the soil for your trees and shrubs. Bark-based mulch, layered about 3 inches on top of your soil, should work well to keep your roots fed with proper moisture.


Although the amount of time you spend watering will drastically be reduced as winter comes along, it’s a good idea to give them a drink 2-3 times per week until that time. Less frequent, but generous deep soaks are the best route to take. Adjust your watering as needed with the changing of the moisture provided by the weather.

At Jolly Lane, we have everything you’ll need to ensure your new trees and shrubs are off to a great start, and thriving come spring time. Right now is a great time to get started by stopping in and taking advantage of our fall landscaping sale. Enjoy 25% off shrubs, trees, and evergreens, and get expert advice on planting and maintaining all your landscape additions this fall!

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Business Hours:

Garden Bar:

Saturday: 11am-5pm

Jolly Lane Greenhouse
2962 Jolly Lane
Rapid City, SD 57703