The Origin of the Garden Bar
Nearly 40 years ago, Tim saw an old weathered bar in rural North Dakota. It was made of oak and mahogany, with large mirrors, and had all the charm and imperfections that one would expect from a bar that had been around since the late 1800’s. The fact that he had no real need or use for it was of little importance. It was a beautiful piece of Americana, and as a collector of sorts, he simply thought it would be an interesting addition to his collection of vintage American past.
An aging inscription plate located on the edge of one of the bar’s corners, bared the name “John Gund Brewing Company” of La Crosse, Wi. That was all there was for clues as to the bar’s origins, so getting any insight about the bar’s past would likely have been a futile effort at that time. Thankfully, in 2019 we have Google, and oh the stories it can find! If you’re interested in reading a brief history of the John Gund family, their origins, and the brewery, follow this link: It truly is a tale of the American dream in action!
Tim’s offer to purchase the bar was ultimately declined by the owner, and wouldn’t be thought about again until years later. The day came some three years later, when the owner reached out and asked if the offer to purchase was still standing. Now, we can’t speculate as to the intentions, but it’s understood that the owner was going through a divorce and was suddenly very eager to make a sale happen. You can use your imagination to put together a theory about his intentions!
Tim and the man made struck a deal, and the work of moving the large, 6 piece bar was underway. The bar made its way to South Dakota, where it would sit for nearly 40 years in a pole barn, alongside various other antiques and collectibles that Tim and his brother had acquired over the years. It received very minimal restoration and still maintains its original charm, cigarette burns and all!
So when Jolly Lane decided to serve craft beer and wine at the annual Chili Roast one year, the idea of putting the old bar to use sprung up. Rather than sitting for another 20-30 years, why not create a space for our wonderful friends and customers to enjoy a beer on a sunny afternoon? And so it went, the bar was moved in and we opened it up during the Chili Roast for our guests. As it turned out, everyone very much enjoyed a Saturday afternoon beer with their shopping and the bar quickly became a staple of events at Jolly Lane Greenhouse. Then this last spring, after a particularly long winter, the thought came up of opening the bar on a Saturday, just because everyone is sick of winter and needs a place to enjoy a drink and the company of some flowers. With only 2 days notice and a single post on Facebook, the bar was a hit that Saturday and the crew quickly decided to keep the bar open every Saturday through the Spring and then every Saturday and Sunday into the Summer.
The Jolly Lane garden bar is officially open to the public, every Saturday from 12-5 pm, as well as Sundays starting April 28th. Come by and say hello, have yourself a drink from one of our local breweries or wineries, and enjoy your new Saturday shopping experience at Jolly Lane Greenhouse!